Data Lineage on Snowflake

Rajat Venkatesh7/1/2020 1 Min Read

This blog describes how to generate data lineage from query history in Snowflake using the data-lineage python package.

data-lineage generates DAG from parsing SQL statements in query history. It specifically looks for DML statements like COPY, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and builds a network of tables as vertices and edges to denote data flow from one table to another by DML statements.

Query History in Snowflake

The first step is to store query history within a table in Snowflake. Snowflake has a rich information schema that provides information on all aspects of the database. Three table functions capture data transformation and transfer history are:

Snowflake retains data in these table functions for 7 or 14 days. If a longer retention is required, then the history has to be copied to tables owned by you.

Transfer history for longer retention

The Gitlab Data team uses query history to manage database spend on Snowflake. They have released a dbt package snowflake_spend to store query history in user tables.

The package can be used to store query history for data lineage as well. The package documentation has instructions to set up and run using dbt to copy query history. Instructions that worked with data-lineage are provided below:

dbt init # Start a new project

# Specify package dependency on snowflake_spend in packages.yml
  - git:
    revision: v1.1.0

# Fill in models section to use snowflake_spend in dbt_project.yml
      enabled: true
      materialized: table
        schema: analytics

# Setup a profile to connect to Snowflake
# Ensure the user has access to information schema and table functions
dbt compile
dbt run

dbt can be scheduled to run regularly and store query histories.

Retrieve query history in Jupyter Notebook

The query history in user tables can be retrieved using the snowflake python connector.

import snowflake.connector

query = """
select query_text
  from table(information_schema.query_history(
    end_time_range_start=>to_timestamp_ltz('2017-12-4 12:00:00.000 -0700'),
    end_time_range_end=>to_timestamp_ltz('2017-12-4 12:30:00.000 -0700')));
" " "

connection = snowflake.connector.connect(...)

queries = []
with connection.get_cursor() as cursor:
  row = cursor.fetchone()

  while row is not None:

The list of queries can be passed to the data-lineage module to generate a DAG of lineage.


This blog post explained the methods to store and retrieve query history in Snowflake. data-lineage can use the query history to create and provide a data lineage, which you can visualize or process programmatically. If you need data lineage from Snowflake, check out snowflake_spend and data-lineage. Do get in touch if you have any questions or feedback.

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